
The M.A.C Lipstick: Dreaming Dahlia

Ladies and gentlemen: My first ever M.A.C Lipstick purchase!

Whilst in London yesterday I picked up the M.A.C Lustre Lipstick in 'Dreaming Dahlia', I'd never purchased a lipstick from them before, so I was really excited to get my hands on this one! The colour is a gorgeous orange with a hint of red, and has a beautiful pigmentation, it's got a lovely sheer finish to it, but still has that pop of colour. I thought this will be perfect for the summer, paired with brown liner softly smudged around the eyes!

Just a quick little post to express my excitement at this purchase! :)

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Face Time: The Base

So I thought I would start a new weekly post series called 'Face Time' where I would talk about my favourite products of the week, for individual parts of my make up! So eyes, lips, cheeks etc! And first of all is 'The Base'.

'The Base' in action


So, onto the good stuff...

1- The Foundation: The favourite of the week, and most likely for the last year is the Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation. Because I have dry skin this foundation is just perfect for me, it leaves a lovely dewy, natural finish, but still with a medium coverage! Bonus. This perhaps isn't one for oil skin gals, but the Revlon 24hr Colourstay Foundation might be just great!

2- The Highlighter: A newer purchase takes first place for this one, and it's the M.A.C Prep + Prime Highlighter in 'Light Boost'- and where would I be without it? In dark-circle-central most likely! I pop this under my eyes, the bridge of my nose and cheekbones to brighten and bring them forward - lurvley. 

3- The Concealer: Oooohhhh the trusty concealer! My current disguiser of choice is split between the M.A.C Pro-Longwear concealer in NW20, or the the Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer in 'Sand', both give great coverage, but the Bobbi Brown is definitely one to whack out on those 'I look like I've had 2 hours sleep' days. 

4- The Powder: Its Tanya Burrs favourite, and its my favourite too! Of course its the Rimmel London Stay Matte Power in 'Translucent'. Usually I would cringe at the thought of powering dry skin, but this does a smashing job of keeping everything in place, blotting that pesky t-zone, but still keeping everything smooth and flake-free! And at £3.99 - bargain.

What are your favourite products to use for your 'Base'? 


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A Little Bit Different: Tick Tock

I literally can't believe that it's already April. I'm not sure when but all of a sudden I feel like time started to go by really fast, and now the clocks have been put forward, the days seems to go even faster!

Not to mention that my exams are coming up way to fast for my liking... which worries me, and then I'll be leaving all my best friends and going to Uni! - super exciting but super daunting.

Although this whole thing might sound a bit cliché, it's really made me realise that we have to cherish each day, and that we can't just sit there worrying about things in future, because if anything that will just make those days come faster! 

I definitely now realise the value of time, and am going to try to make an effort to value it more, because although it might sound stupid, it's really easy to take time for granted! Sometimes I just sit in a lesson wishing the time away, or at work doing the exact same thing. Obviously there will be those days where you want the day to be over with - that's a given, but overall it's really important to realise how much potential we have to achieve great things- just in one day!

What do you think? 


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Perfect Pout

From top to bottom: Honey, Demure and Elusive.

The original Kissable formula in 'Honey'
The matte Colourburst in 'Elusive Insatiable'

The Lacquer effect Colourburst in 'Demure'

Ahhh Revlon, my trusty lipstick provider! Revlon never lets me down, apart from that one time. And yet again they have pulled the cat out of the bag to provide us with yet another beauty, the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Balms, re-vamped, to bring us matte and lacquer finishes newly named the Revlon Colourburst Lacquer and Matte Balms.

All the shades look b-e-a-utiful, but the ones that just seemed to jump out at me were the shades Demure Réservée, number 105 and Elusive Insatiable, number 205. The first is part of the lacquer finishes, but I have to say that it really doesn't come off that in your face, it has a gorgeous shimmer to it that's subtle but noticeable. The colour is an absolutely gorgeous nude pink that will flatter most skin tones. Another thing that caught my attention, although quite trivial, was the packaging. Encased in a shiny tube that catches your eye, and looks pretty, it's quite darn hard to just walk by these....
As for the Matte finish, it's pretty much the same deal, a rose pink smooth matte, that although isn't as prettily packaged, still steps up to the mark with it's colour.

Onto the important part! How do they wear/feel? The durability of them isn't the best, not bad, but not good, they'll last you until you eat or drink a coffee/tea, but they definitely need re-applying. And as for how they feel -pretty nice! Smooth, soft and certainly not uncomfortable; although I have to say the Matte and Original formulas come off a lot smoother than the Lacquer effect, but it redeems itself with the fact that there's certainly no worry of having that horrible drying effect that makes our lips look like a desert savannah!

Another brilliant formula from Revlon, they just never let a girl down...

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M.A.C Prep+Prime



Goodbye dark circles!

I think I may finally have found a strong contender to take on the seriously tough battle that is my under-eye dark circles! I had tried a lot of different concealers- from liquid to cream, and whilst some were good, really good (Bobbi Brown- thank you!), none of them completely banish those pain's-in-the-bum! And it's no wonder because they really can be stubborn! Having eyed up the Mac Prep+Prime Highlighter for a bit - mainly in Pixiwoo's videos- I caved in and let the M.A.C lady persuade me into buying the shade 'light boost', which although quite light, cancels out the darkness nicely, whilst still matching my olive skin tone!

And it really works, like really well. I could tell the difference almost straight away after putting this on, my dark circles were almost completely gone, and my face looked more refreshed. It's super easy to use and it blends into the skin really nicely! Jot it onto the under eye in cross shape, as well as the bridge of your nose, tops of the cheekbones, forehead and chin, and viola! A nice highlighted, fresh face!

Make up staple? I think so.

I am riding the train to I-just-slept-for-ten-hours-ville, and it's awesome

You can buy the M.A.C Prep and Prime highlighter here:

Picture taken from the M.A.C UK website

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Eye Spy....

The Beautiful Alexa Chung's eye's, who has teamed up with Eyeko for her own 'Eye do' range.

I really don't know how I get roped into these purchases but it's definitely never my fault.

The other day I was just contently browsing the internet, as you do, when I stumbled across a video in which someone was talking about a brand called Eyeko, the name definitely rung a bell, so I decided to pop on over and see what it was all about! When I arrived however, I was straight away confronted with a little message of joy, that informed me I could get a free Black Magic Mascara if I signed up- I of course did this.

I spotted the 'mini's' (hell yeah) and chose to buy the Skinny Mini Liquid Liner which is a very reasonable £9! And so along with my free mascara (also a mini) it meant that my whole purchase actually only cost me £9! Because THE P&P IS FREE(!!!!!) 

So, with that good start, how are the actual products?


The Black Magic mascara is the best product by far, my lashes look so much more longer, and a lot more voluminous, I always swore by the Benefit They're Real Mascara, but dare I say it- I think it's got a competitor! I even got a complement on the length of my lashes the other day- something that's never happened before! The packaging of this mascara is also really interesting and actually really cool, instead of your standard hard plastic shell, this mascara is packaged in a squeezy tube type way- and it's really awesome.

As for the eyeliner, I rate it just as highly! It glides on really nicely, and the pigment is super great! I really recommend this for someone who struggles with eyeliner because it's just so easy to apply! And the great thing about both of these products is that even though they're minis, they're lasting really well! This seems like such a great a great brand, and with high ratings from the likes of Lisa Eldridge and Vogue- who's surprised?

The prices of these products are definitely reasonable when compared with the quality! The mascara's range from £15-£20, and the eyeliners from £12-£21- some really good numbers when you take into account how long lasting they are!

Overall I am so glad that I purchased these products, and I am definitely going to purchase the full size when my beloved minis run out! - I also have my eye on their Liquid Metal Eyeliner in Rose Gold.... get it? ....

Have you tried any products from Eyeko? What did you think?


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Tackling Those Spots!

I have to say that *touch wood* I've been quite lucky with my skin that in the recent years I haven't really had bad spots, when I was 13-15 I used to get breakouts quite often, but my skin had settled and calmed and overall, hasn't really given me a headache..... until recently.

I'm going to go ahead and be honest by saying that the unhealthy eating that took place in and around Christmas is a large contributor to my skin's recent shenanigans, but I also think that it could well have been a new product that I had been using! And so after two weeks of just thinking "ahh it will pass soon", I actually started taking some steps to tackle those horrible red things on my face....

1- Find the source of what set it off: Often easier said than done, however the easiest way to get a start in this step is too ask yourself either, have you used a new skin or make-up product lately? or have you been eating differently? For me it was pretty much both of these (oops). I hadn't been eating too healthily because it was nearing Christmas and quite honestly the tin of Celebrations were WAY to tempting. Not only this, but I has also recently used a new product, the Soap and Glory Peaches and Clean Face Wash, which smelt and felt lovely, but must have had too much fragrance in for my skin. After cleaning up my eating and chucking out the face wash, the first step was done.

3- A good cleanser: For the next step I chose a Micellar Water Cleanser, the L'oreal Skin Perfection Solution is great, and so is the B. Pure Micellar Water, but lets not forget the queen of them all, the Bioderma Solution. Micellar Waters are a great way to remove make-up and tone your skin, and an excellent choice for people with more sensitive skin.

2- Find a killer spot cream: For this one I turned to A Model Recommends, I remembered being on her YouTube channel a while back watching a video of her talking about a spot cream from La Roche-Posay called Effaclar Duo, to cut a long story short, this corrective cream is a God send, I've noticed my complexion has improved and my breakouts have stopped! AND despite it's strength it was still great on my sensitive skin!

There are the three steps I took towards battling those pesky spots, and they've been a success! Goodbye spots, hello clear skin....


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Most Wanted: 2014

There are always those things you want to purchase, but for some reason, just never get round to! I think what tends to happen with me is that I think, oohh I really want that, but do I really need it? Then go off and buy something completely different- I know, makes no sense! So I thought I would make a little list of all the things that have tempted me in the beauty world, and are on my hit list for 2014! I WILL buy them this year....

The Lancôme Art Liner: Recently I've really been getting used to wearing liner as a every day staple, and whilst my Collection 24 Hour Extreme Liner does an absolutely great job, I have heard really good things about this liner, apparently it glides on really smoothly, which will be great to help me perfect those flicks!  

The Clinique Superprimer: I have, again heard so many good things about this primer, but most influencing factor is that my mum uses the brightening one, and let me use for a couple of days, and oh my! That was enough to persuade me! My skin looked and felt so smooth and I really noticed a difference in how long my make-up stayed on! 

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm: A cult classic, I think it's mostly the hype surrounding this product that has tempted me endless times to click 'add to basket'!

Tom Ford Lipstick: This is 100% Vivianna Does Makeup's fault, I saw in her new haul video how amazingly beautiful the Tom Ford lipsticks are, from the gorgeous packaging to the down right stunning colours they offer (Pink Dusk), at £36 it's going to take A LOT for me to cave in though! (Most likely will be sold if I end up near a Tom Ford counter any time soon)

Clinique Cleansing Balm: As one of my New Years Beauty Resolutions I vowed to take more of an interest in skincare and thus look after my skin more! And I plan to do just that... with the Clinique Cleansing Balm! I've been curious about this for a while, simply because it seems like a nice effective way to take off my make-up fast, but still take care of my skin. Along with this product I'd also really like to try the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturiser 

A M.A.C 117 Blending Brush: Although this brush isn't exactly a hugely luxurious or hard-to-get-hold-of make-up item, for some reason I just never pick it up when I'm in a M.A.C store! I really need another blending brush for my eye shadow, since my Smashbox one's gone AWOL (aka madly puffed up).

The Smashbox Full Exposure Eye Shadow Palette: I'm not sure whether it's the whole 'three looks for every eye shape to make them look amazing' thing or just the amazing colours that tempt me so much, all I know is that I really, really want this palette!!!! 

Have your tried any of these? If you have I would love to know what you though of them! 


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Rest & Rewind

Candles are such a nice way to create a really nice cosy atmosphere in any room! Not only that but I think there's nothing better than if you're feeling stressed or tired to light a really nice scented candle, it just helps to relax you - and not to mention make your room smell amazing! 

For my Birthday one of my friends got me this Yankee Candle in the scent 'Mandarin Cranberry' and it's smells sooo good! It's this lovely sweet, but not overpowering smell, I've used it so much and I think I'm going to run out soon!

I think the next smell I'd like to try is 'Salted Caramel' or an apple/cinnamon one! I know that apple/cinnamon scents are usually a chrsitmassy smell, but I personally love that kind of smell any time of the year! 

What's your favourite candle scent? 


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My Beauty New Years Resolutions!

Happy New Year! (I'm sorry that's WAY overdue!)

I know that, as I said, this is way overdue, but along with my new years resolutions I have had time to think about some beauty resolutions too, and I came up with two main ones that I am going to try to stick to! So here they are, my (late) beauty new year's resolutions!

1- Take care of my skin better: Okay, hands up, I'm not the best when it comes to taking full care of my skin! I make an effort to take my make-up off and look after my skin, but I never really went any further apart from the typical moisturiser. I always just used to take off my make-up with a cotton pad and some Aqueous Cream, and that was it, but now I am vowing to invest in some nicer products, and gain more of an interest in skin care! I have done quite well so far, now I always start with using my Peaches and Clean face wash by Soap and Glory, after I've removed some of my make-up with, I move onto my L'Oreal Skin Perfection 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution to make sure that all my make-up is off, and then after that I moisturise, I really love the Clinique Dramatically Different moisturiser. As well as that, once a week or so I'll use my Clinique 7 Day Facial Scrub - silky smooth!

2- To give my hair some more lovin': This pretty much goes the same as my skin care! Although I must say I do like a good ole' hair conditioning mask! I always used to be really into hair products, and techniques, but recently I've kind of slipped into a rut. So I've decided that I'm going to start looking into more hair products, and experiment with more styles and updo's this year, I'm really bad when it comes to experimenting with different hair styles, I pretty much do my hair the same way everyday! My plan is find a nice colour for my hair, get a nice cut and find some great products! One that's definitely on my is the Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray!

So those are my main beauty resolutions for 2014! What are yours? - beauty and general!


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The Beauty Basket: My Most Used


Recently, I've been saving for a holiday with my friends in the summer of this year, now as exciting as this prospect is, it does mean I have had to save on my make-up purchases (sniffle). However, this is not entirely a bad thing at all, because it means that I've been reaching out to a few old classics, those products that I find my self reach for everyday!

Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation: This is a really great foundation, and I find myself using this practically every day, it gives me a really nice glow, which is great now that I'm back at sixth form and don't get as much sleep! I do find that sometimes it can, come off a little easier than some foundations, but with a sweep of my next product, everything is staying put and glowy throughout the day!

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder: The classic! Tanya Burrs favourite, and many other beauty gurus out there too, and now, my favourite! At first the title put me off a little bit, as with dry skin I tend to stay away from the 'mattifying' products, and cosy up with the dewy ones, but this it the perfect balance! Keeps my foundation from going walkies, but still lets the glow of the foundation squeeze through.

M.A.C Pro Longwear Concealer: I kind of ditched this concealer for a bit, and I don't really know why! But recently I tried it out again and just fell in love with it, as the name suggests it has a good amount of wear-time, and the coverage is really great too. I'm definitely glad that I reached to this again!

Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon, in Peach on The Beach: This is such a good colour to wear for every day, a gorgeous peachy pink colour, that really does last a long time, on a daily basis and whenever I'm in a rush, I'll just sweep this on, and I'm ready to go!

Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette: I think it must have been the hype surrounding the Naked 3 Palette, but recently I have been using this palette all the time, my favourite colours to use on an everyday basis are 'Bootycall' with a bit of 'YDK' in the crease and outer corner, or the same with 'Foxy' and 'Tease'. I forgot how great this palette is and now whenever I put on shadow day or night, it's nearly always from this palette!

Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner: I always shied away from eye liner for a while, because I could never really get the flicks right, but practise makes perfect, and now I use this A LOT! It lasts a really long time, and the felt pen is nice and thin, so it's great for an easy everyday liner!

I really love these products, and I'm definitely grateful to have re-discovered them! Do you love any of these products too? What are you always reaching for in your beauty box?


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