
A Little Bit Different: Tick Tock

I literally can't believe that it's already April. I'm not sure when but all of a sudden I feel like time started to go by really fast, and now the clocks have been put forward, the days seems to go even faster!

Not to mention that my exams are coming up way to fast for my liking... which worries me, and then I'll be leaving all my best friends and going to Uni! - super exciting but super daunting.

Although this whole thing might sound a bit cliché, it's really made me realise that we have to cherish each day, and that we can't just sit there worrying about things in future, because if anything that will just make those days come faster! 

I definitely now realise the value of time, and am going to try to make an effort to value it more, because although it might sound stupid, it's really easy to take time for granted! Sometimes I just sit in a lesson wishing the time away, or at work doing the exact same thing. Obviously there will be those days where you want the day to be over with - that's a given, but overall it's really important to realise how much potential we have to achieve great things- just in one day!

What do you think? 


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