
Bourjois Bronzing BB Creme!

I've always been quite anxious of putting anything that implies the fake tan kinda thing on my face, i don't really know why, but it might kjust be a fear of it all going wrong and me looking stupid! Don't get me wrong, i've seen loads of people with amazing results from fake tan, but for some reason i just have this thing with it. Even though this is not a fake tan, i was still quite anxious about putting it on for the first time, as i didn't really know what it would turn out like! But i still went ahead and bought it! And gee, i'm glad i did!

I purchased this because in the winter i swear every bit of pigment in my skin just fades, i'm mixed race, but in the winter you would just not be able to tell at all, i do't know why, it just happens, so, having trying to think ahead of the winter game, i thought this looked like a good option! As well as some Xen Tan, which I think I am going to have to try soon, despite the price tag! 

I had never really tried anything like this before, so i had to experiment a bit to find out which method looked best! The first method i tried was to just put this on as a kind of primer before my foundation, however i felt that was not a good method at all and it just made my complextion look blotchy, so after kind of just shying away from it for a bit, i decided to try the method of mixing it with my foundation, and i think this is the best way to do it! I usually use about two small pumps mixed with my usuall amount of foundation. 

I really really like this BB Creme, it gives me a lovely bronzed look, and i think it looks really natural; not mention it's lasting power is really brilliant, it's still there at the end of the day, and there is most defiantly a noticeable change in colour when I take my make-up off! I think I am 100% going to keep on using this through out the winter! No more pale-looking in the winter for me! (Hopefully!) 

What do you think of this BB Creme? Have you tried it and liked it too? xx

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