
Rimmel Appocalips Lip Laquer Review!

I purchased these lip lacquers in two colours, the first one I purchased was the bright red, numbered 400 and named 'BIG BANG', after using the red a few times I decided to purchase another one in a more pink-ish colour, numbered 102 and named 'NOVA'.

These Lip Lacquers are super super pigmented, and that is no over exaggeration, if you are looking for a more subtly coloured lip gloss/stain/laquer, this is not the one for you! I do realize in the photo the pink one comes across as a little - less bright?- than the red, but that is not the case! It is still a really bright pink! At £5.99 from Superdrug, and I'm sure around this price at any other drug store, I think these lip lacquers are very well priced! 

As for the staying power I would say it is quite good, these lacquers are really glossy but don't stay like this all day, this can however be sorted by a simple re-application! Again- I really don't know if this is just a thing with me, but I really don't find these lacquers convenient for eating! I was wearing the red one once and ate a sandwich, after I was finished I just constantly kept on finding red everywhere, over my hands and fingers, and I was eating the sandwich nicely! So I guess if you're not a big eater during the day this will be find for you, otherwise you just need to be super careful whilst eating - or just stick to simple foods like soup etc!

Overall however I really really love these lacquers, and despite their slight downfalls I will continue to use them and will most likely purchase another shade, perhaps the more nude colour! These lacquers look super nice on with their lovely glossy finish and super pigmented punch! Brilliant for a night out or simply to brighten up an outfit during the day!        

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