
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation Review


I purchased this foundation a while back when I needed a new one, so I went back to the Revlon section and a saw this new product they had released, now up to that point I hadn't been wearing any foundation because I was having problems with my skin, it was really really dry and my Revlon PhotoReady foundation, which was quite matte just wasn't suitable for my skin at the time (although I still love it).

When I saw the name I thought this foundation would be great because it already sounded like something I could wear without irritating my skin! So I thought I would give it try and bought it in the shade 'nude'. 

I was quite hesitant putting this on for the first time, because of my skin etc, but the bottom line is that this foundation is amazing and it was great for covering everything I needed, not irritating my skin and feeling really lightweight all at the same time! This foundation has what I would consider a light-medium coverage, so if you are looking for a stronger coverage, this foundation may not be the best match for you.

I find this foundation to be really nice and dewy, with a slight shimmer to it, it gives me a really nice complexion and it seriously feels really nice and light, almost like I'm not wearing any foundation at all! Not only that but I would say this foundation also has a really good staying power (there is one minor fault to do with staying, but I cover that later on!), I wear it from about 8am to anywhere between 9pm-11pm each day and I really never find myself having to re-apply it, perhaps if I am going out I will quickly go over it, but it really doesn't need that much attention- which is great!

Also, I have received many compliments when wearing this foundation! People have said it looks really flawless and natural, BUT, the best compliment so far must have been from the make-up artist at the M.A.C counter, I was getting matched up for a concealer when she asked which foundation I used and told me it looked really nice! If a make-up artist say's it looks nice that must be a good sign!

When it comes to let downs with this foundation I have to say there aren't many major ones I could think of, there are only two minor problems and those are:

  1. The packaging: by this I mean that fact that there is no pump dispenser with this foundation, it is simply and open bottle, because of this I find myself using more than I would if there was a pump, which means I run out faster than usual, however it's not that major a fault because you just have to find the right amount and after a while you know how much you need! 
  2. Rubbing-off: Now I already said that this foundation has great staying power, however something I have noticed it is that if I face-plant my revision books due to confusion or lean on some-ones shoulder too hard, sometimes the foundation will rub off onto that surface, this probably isn't that big of a deal and I'm sure most of you don't do that on a regular basis- but just to warn you!
Apart from these minor faults I really do think that this is an amazing foundation and I really recommend it to everyone, I am already on my second bottle and I don't think I will be switching foundation any time soon!

Thank you Revlon! 

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