
Top 5 Lip Products!


I think out of all make up products, lipsticks are my most purchased and most worn! I'm forever tempted into buying them because of the colours, the packaging, the formulas, the finishes...... The list goes on!  So I thought why not pick my all time favourite ones! And alas! Here they are.......

Revlon Lip Butters- I love these soooooo much! I love the fact that although they are really creamy and nourishing, that does not compromise the colour pay off at all! And you still get this amazing sheen of colour, not too much, but just enough so that I can still wear the red shade, named Candy Apple, in the day time! They have a lot of amazing shades available and for £7.99 each I think they are a steal!

Rimmel Appocalips Lip Laquers- Super glossy, super pigmented (like really) and super pretty! I love the pigmentation of these laquers, the colour is so strong, I'm pretty sure even the nude one is like, boom. But non the less I still love them, and teamed with a nice neutral, light eye, they are most certainly day time wearable! 

Revlon Superlusterous Matte Lipstick- I just really like Revlon Lipsticks....... And these are no exceptions! They do have a lovely matte finish, but they are still super moisturising on the lips as well - perfect! 

No.7 Stay Perfect Lipstick- I really, really love the finish of this lipstick, it's quite the same as the Revlon Superlusterous, but more, soft? It has such a beautiful feel to it, and the colour is lovely too! Nice and strong! Perfect for those winter days when your lips are feeling a bit dry, and you just need that pop of colour to brighten the day! At £9.50 for each one, they're a little more expensive, but totally worth the money, not to mention at the moment you can buy one and get the second half price in Boots! Yaaayyyy! 

Maybelline Babylips- I purchased these on a whim and when they were on offer for 3 for 2! So I just jumped straight in and purchased 3 of them! Two are colour tinted, and one mint flavoured, all three moisturise, and all 3 are a-mazing! The tinted ones give off just the right amount colour for a pretty au natural look! 

Well there we have it! My top 5 Lipsticks/products! 

What are yours? Do we have any in common? x 

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Jimmy Choo Limited Edition EDT

Why hello summer/rest of my life smell........

Being a big fan of the original Jimmy Choo fragrance, it was no surprise that when stumbled across at the Duty Free at the channel tunnel that I was going to love it! After debating about it throughout my holiday, and being gutted when it was sold out on my way back, I hunted around on the Internet for prices, sizes, etc, and eventually settled for the 60ml EDT from Superdrug!

Jimmy Choo Exotic is a flanker of the original Jimmy Choo fragranced which was released in 2011, with hints of black current sorbet, zesty grapefruit, tiger orchid and passion flower, this fragrance smells absolutely amazing! So sophisticated but fresh and inviting at the same time!

This Fragrance is available in 100ml, which retails for around £58.00 for that amount, or alternatively from £43 for the 60ml. 

The only down side to this fragrance? That it's EDT and not EDP, I usually prefer a purer and stronger smell, but regardless this still smells darn good and has good staying power!

The last? That it's Limited Edition, be quick and get it now! It's not one you want to miss, I'm already close to ordering a second bottle for the day it's discontinued! 

Picture taken from the perfume shop online.

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Kick Ass 2 Review!


Rejoice! Hit Girl, Kick Ass, and the former Red Mist, now known as the Mother Fucker (language,sorry) are back! 

After the success of the first Kick Ass movie, I was excitedly awaiting the release of number two! It was one of those movies where after I finished watching I felt a sequel was a good idea, you know with some movies you just think 'okay that was really good, but it it really doesn't need a sequel' and others you're like 'that was so good, that needs a sequel, there's so much more to know/happen!', well yeah, Kick Ass was one of those.

Me and my best friend went to go and see it today, it was released today and is, I'm sure, in pretty much all cinemas in the UK, and I have to say I was not disappointed! Christopher Mintz-Plasse's character was still so funny, down to his costume (AKA a jazzed up version of his mother's dominatrix's costume) and his over all persona. Hit Girl is still fierce, edgy and powerful, (go girl) and Kick Ass is still his adorable ,and VERY toned now, self! 

There are many new characters, including a hench Russian woman named Mother Russia and a WWE fighter named Black Death, that are a part of Mother Fucker's group of super villains, and characters such as Night Bitch, Colonel Stars and Stripes and his companion dog Sophia, who are part of the Super Hero group Kick Ass joins named Justice Forever. Also, Turk from scrubs is in it, well Donald Faison, that alone is enough of reason to see it. His character is awesome. 

The plot is based along Mother Fucker's revenge on Kick Ass for killing his father, Hit Girls discovery of who she is, and Kick Ass' search to find a group of Super Hero's to form a team with. That's all I'll say for now, because I don't want to ruin anything! ONE THING I WILL SAY THOUGH IS THAT THE DOG DOES NOT DIE, IT'S OK. 

Now although the first Kick Ass film did have it's sad moments, it was still largely comedic. With Kick Ass 2 I found it was a lot more graphic, and there were a lot more sad moments! Not to mention the amount of shocking deaths, people you just do not expect to die, including one big one that made me sad and shocked the hell out of me! But it all adds to the depth and quality of the plot! 

Over all a very good movie that I highly recommend seeing! 

Four stars! 

What did you guys think of it? I know it got a lot of stick from the press, but I really did like it! 

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Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser Review!


Back from holiday and with a new well-loved edition to my shower routine! 

I literally prayed and sang to the heavens when this product was released, why? Because I am sooo lazy with moisturising (as mentioned in my previous post)! It's the biggest chore for me, even though I like having soft skin! 

So yeah, when this came out I celebrated big time because now I could just do it in the shower, and get it all over and done with! Yes, I'm lazy..

So the good thing about this product is that it's so quick and easy to use, it's not to be confused with a shower gel, you still have to wash using your everyday scrub of choice, but after you're finished washing that off, you simply just get this moisturiser, apply where ever and simply wash it off, ta-dah, no standing there having to wait for it to sink in or having to wait 5 minutes before washing it off, you just go ahead and do it straight away! Although i do like to give it 2 minutes personally (If i'm not rushing, which is not very often) 

And the even better thing about this product is (and quite obviously) that it actually works(!), I was a little dubious at first because it just seemed too good to be true, but after using it for this first time, as soon as I was dry I could feel my skin was soft and smooth, and there were no usual tell-tale signs of dry skin anywhere! 

Currently at £3.39 for 400ml online at Superdrug, the price is quite good! I'd say you get good use out of it, I've had mine (400ml) for just coming up to about two weeks now, and having used it nearly everyday, still have a good just under 1/2 a bottle left! Available in two formulas, one for dry skin, which comes in a blue bottle, and one for normal skin, which comes in a white bottle, no-ones left out, I have the white bottle, and although I usually have dry-ish skin, I've coped fine.

I'd say the only let down about this product for me is the smell, now don't get me wrong, it smells good, but with a supposed 'Sea Minerals' scent, I just wish the smell would transfer onto the skin more, as I can't really smell it very strongly after using it! This downfall isn't major, unless your someone who really likes a strongly fragranced moisturiser, and because Nivea does focus on very skin friendly, dermatologically tested products, I suppose too much fragrance would be a big no no for them! Don't worry though, a spritz of perfume and you'll be fine! 

Overall I really love this product, and I definitely see myself re-purchasing it in the future, thank you Nivea! 


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