
Make Up Forever Ultra HD Foundation Stick Review

Here's my face, with it on......

Can I get a hallelujah because honeeyyyyy, I've found the holy grail foundation.

Recently I had struggled with some pretty serious break outs due to coming off the pill (I'm talking actual break outs, not the kind where they're like 'guys I need to cover some acne' and by that they mean two pin size red dots). This lead to a blood thirsty hunt for the most high cover foundation I could find. I remembered back to when my skin was as clear as my conscience pre-uni, back to when I loved the Make Up Forever Ultra HD Foundation, it's such a beautiful finish, but I needed something more high coverage than that! Que watching one to many Nikkie Tutorials and Jeffree Star videos and I was sold on the Make Up Forever Ultra HD Foundation Stick.

I spoke to the make-up artist, who told me that essentially one layer of the foundation stick equates to about two layers of the liquid version. He did, however, mention that the liquid foundation was much better suited to oily skinned gals and guys, whereas the foundation stick would be better for the normal to dry skin people out there. I can fully support that statement (which we'll get to in a minute).

The product retails for £29, and you get your standard 30ml. Is it worth it? Umm yes.

What I mainly love about this foundation are two things, it's coverage and it's finish. This foundation has amazing coverage, it covered all my redness and my acne scars, one thing to note is that because it is quite high coverage it's important that you get the right shade (I am shade 153). The finish on this foundation is one that I have yet to find in any other foundation, you literally glow, it's such a reflecting foundation that even if there was a slight bit of pigmentation showing, as soon as light hit it it wouldn't be visible anymore. This is honestly jut the best finish I've ever found in a foundation and it translates beautifully in all lighting, as well as in photos.

Of course nothing is absolutely perfect, so there are some slight downfalls to this foundation. The first is that this foundation runs out mega fast, at first I thought it was just me, but after having read up on it a little it does seem to be noticeable. I don't know the cause of this but my guess would be because of the solid form of the foundation. After using this every day I can confidently say that it ran out substantially faster than my other foundations, and at £29 per pop it's not exactly something that fine to pick up every few weeks. So this might be one to pop to side for special occasions, or even mix with a cheaper counterpart. The second is that this foundation is straight up going to need heavy powdering if you have oily skin, I remember when I originally purchased this foundation I didn't powder one day and I literally turn into an oil slick by the end of the day, now because of the beautiful finish of this foundation I was able to pull it off as more of a ridiculous glow, but yeah, I have normal skin so I can't even imagine what that would have looked like on someone oilier than me!!

So there it is! I absolutely love this product, and it's definitely one I will always come back to!

 I hope this review was helpful! Let me know if you've purchased this foundation and what you thought!


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How To Survive Uni: The Series By a Professional Uni-er

So I was sat thinking to myself the other day, I wonder what sort of tips I would have liked to have known before I went to uni. I know not everyone has a brother or sister that can help them out, and let's be honest, your current place of education is just telling you about documents and working hard - and let me tell you there none of that happening in first year. I'd like to cover not just the essential tips like 'what should you pack' (which I will), but the small things that matter a lot as well, like the social side, the lecture side, the drinking until you don't know what you study or who you are as a person side, and the being a broke ass bitch side (that's the financial side). 

So I'm going to write a series of blog posts covering everything that I can think of to prepare you as best as possible for uni! It's important to remember that everyone's experience is different so go with the flow, these are just some things to guide you if needed!

(It's also important to note that I am one of those people that gives great advice but doesn't follow my own)

I'm going to post about each aspect weekly in an order that you'll probably encounter when you get there:

1) The Boring Important Stuff

2) Social Side

3) The Financial Side

4) The Academic Side

I really hope that these posts will serve not just for entertainment purposes but also help anyone out that might have some questions about uni! 

(Plus you can learn from my mistakes, I know, so selfless, I suppose someone has to make them) 

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Long Time No See

Here's me with my favourite filter of all time and I don't care if it's the hoe filter it's damn best one

Okay I'm a terrible human being

I don't know where time has gone, but apparently it's gone two years already because my last post was essentially this time 2014 and that's a little bit crazy to me because so much has changed!! In fact here is a list of things:

  1. I'm at uni, (hangover rate: 80%, Gym rate: 20(ish)%)
  2. I have black hair (minor detail really but worth mentioning)
  3. And perhaps the most significant change, I don't eat anything animal-like anymore AKA I eat a plant-based diet (I say plant-based and not vegan because I'm still making the transition to cruelty-free products) 
  4. Beyonce released Lemonade and I lost my shit 
I think those are the most important things for now, I really am going to put my mind to this blog now because in August I'm going to be moving to Germany to do a year abroad (studying through half of it and working the other half), and during this time I really want to vlog and post them to my blog regularly. I bloody love watching vlogs because I'm nosey af, so hopefully there are a few fellow nosey's out there that might take an interest into my life!

But yeah, that's all for now! See you soon!


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NARS Laguna Bronzer Review

I'll be the first to admit that I was never one for bronzer, I was always unsure of how it would look, and I just didn't get it. However I thought I would give it a try and so for Christmas I placed the cult favourite NARS Laguna Bronzer on my wishlist....
And it's now safe to say I'm converted and my daily face just simply cannot go bronzer free, now I get it, it makes your face appear slimmer and just gives you that healthy glow. One of the other reasons that I was never really that into bronzer is because the one I tried (Bourjois' Chocolate Bronzer) broke me out, after using it for a while I would find a little trail of spots where I'd usually apply it - like Hansel and Gretel, but not cute. And I think that's why I fell in love with Laguna because there was no such effect!

Although at £27.50 this bronzer is a bit more on the pricey side I can honestly say that it's worth every penny! You get a good amount for your buck, and the finish of this bronzer is just so beautiful, it's not orange or too red-brown, it's that perfect 'I've just come back from holiday' shade! It does have little bit of shimmer to it, but not stand-outish at all, just enough to give a lovely glow. Apply to the areas that would naturally be hit by the sun, so the forehead, bridge of nose, tops of cheeks, and chin for a healthy glow or specifically in the hollows of your cheekbones to get dat carved goddess look.

 I received this at Christmas and (as you'll see from the pictures) it's now basically empty (sob!), and I'll definitely be re-purchasing this beauty!

If you're new to bronzing or looking for that higher-end product, then I cannot recommend this any more- it's a fool proof contouring gift!

Sadly there wasn't enough left in mine to swatch it :(- so here's the swatch from the official NARS website!


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Yaaassssss, it's that time - a face of the day!

I've been sporting this quite tanned, glowy look for a bit now so I thought I would talk through the look, and the products I use to get it! I've been using some different products recently, some are new and some are re-purchased classics that I love!

For my base I used Revlon's new Airbrush Effect Foundation, I was a bit apprehensive about this one, but it's actually turned out to be a little gem! I'm thinking of writing a review about it- so more details to follow! To cover up those dammed dark circles of mine I used Maybelline's Dream Lumi concealer- again at first I was a little cautious of this because I didn't know if it was going to give sufficient coverage- but yet again I was pleasantly surprised, I use shade 02 which is a shade lighter than my skin and it gives great coverage and brightness to conceal those buggars! Then to cover up any blemishes I used Collection's Lasting Perfection Concealer.

For the eyes I used my Iconic Pro 2 Palette from Revolution, and having prepped my eyelids with MUA's Pro Base Eye Primer I used the shade Chase as a base and patted the shade Awaken over the top to give it a nice shimmer. These are definately two of my favourite shades from the palette, they are just so lovely and summery and fit in perfectly if you're going for a tanned look! As mascara I used Maybelline's The Falsies- again, another gem that I keep on purchasing then neglecting, but this time it's here to stay. To keep the brows on fleek I used MAC's brow pencil in Lingering, and set them with MUA's clear mascara!

The finishing touches consisted of a swirl of NARS Laguna Bronzer (my holy grail), the new love of my life AKA MAC's Soft and Gentle Skinfinish, Rimmel Stay Matte's Powder in Transparent, and to finish everything off I lined my lips with MAC's Boldly Bare lip liner!

So that's it for my Face of The Day! I hope you liked it!


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The M.A.C Lipstick: Dreaming Dahlia

Ladies and gentlemen: My first ever M.A.C Lipstick purchase!

Whilst in London yesterday I picked up the M.A.C Lustre Lipstick in 'Dreaming Dahlia', I'd never purchased a lipstick from them before, so I was really excited to get my hands on this one! The colour is a gorgeous orange with a hint of red, and has a beautiful pigmentation, it's got a lovely sheer finish to it, but still has that pop of colour. I thought this will be perfect for the summer, paired with brown liner softly smudged around the eyes!

Just a quick little post to express my excitement at this purchase! :)

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Face Time: The Base

So I thought I would start a new weekly post series called 'Face Time' where I would talk about my favourite products of the week, for individual parts of my make up! So eyes, lips, cheeks etc! And first of all is 'The Base'.

'The Base' in action


So, onto the good stuff...

1- The Foundation: The favourite of the week, and most likely for the last year is the Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation. Because I have dry skin this foundation is just perfect for me, it leaves a lovely dewy, natural finish, but still with a medium coverage! Bonus. This perhaps isn't one for oil skin gals, but the Revlon 24hr Colourstay Foundation might be just great!

2- The Highlighter: A newer purchase takes first place for this one, and it's the M.A.C Prep + Prime Highlighter in 'Light Boost'- and where would I be without it? In dark-circle-central most likely! I pop this under my eyes, the bridge of my nose and cheekbones to brighten and bring them forward - lurvley. 

3- The Concealer: Oooohhhh the trusty concealer! My current disguiser of choice is split between the M.A.C Pro-Longwear concealer in NW20, or the the Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer in 'Sand', both give great coverage, but the Bobbi Brown is definitely one to whack out on those 'I look like I've had 2 hours sleep' days. 

4- The Powder: Its Tanya Burrs favourite, and its my favourite too! Of course its the Rimmel London Stay Matte Power in 'Translucent'. Usually I would cringe at the thought of powering dry skin, but this does a smashing job of keeping everything in place, blotting that pesky t-zone, but still keeping everything smooth and flake-free! And at £3.99 - bargain.

What are your favourite products to use for your 'Base'? 


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